Once a woodland huntress who captured the hearts of countless men, the Forsaken Archer was taken against her will and slain by a spurned suitor. As she lay dying she forged a terrible pact with the daemons who discovered her broken body. Now, rather than hearts it is souls she captures, wielding them as weapons. Atop the skeletal remains of a beast she once hunted, the forsaken archer rains terror upon any who stand in her path.
The Forsaken Archer is a damage dealer with a strong mix of late game Physical Damage and Magic damage output. Her above average mobility and projectile speed, coupled with the threat of Crippling Volley, are central to her ability to control the pace.
Crippling Volley
[ Q ]
Cast Time: 0.2 / 0.8 seconds
Target Position
Enemy Units
Type - Magic
The Forsaken Archer fires a Volley of barbed arrows high into the sky, dispersing them over an area and pinning any enemy caught in their path to the ground.
Range: 800 Radius: 225 Mana Cost: 95/110/125/140 Cooldown: 10 seconds
Fires a volley of arrows that lands in target area after 0.7 seconds. Deals 85/150/215/280 Magic Damage and Immobilizes targets in radius for 1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds on impact.
Going somewhere?
Crippling Volley Effects
Split Fire
[ W ]
By drawing even more from the stolen souls she keeps trapped in her quiver, the Forsaken Archer is able to fire arrows that split into parts, striking multiple targets.
Cooldown: 1 second
Passively grants you 15/20/25/30 Attack Speed. While active, Split Fire splits your attack into 5 separate attacks that each deal 25/35/45/55% damage. Main target takes full damage.
Activate to turn Split Fire on/off.
Feel the sting...
Split attacks have a range of 600.
Split attacks will not target Buildings and Gadgets, but your attacks will split even if they are your primary attack targets.
A Wingbow will increase the split attack range to 650 range.
Call of the Damned
[ E ]
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Passively grants a 20% chance to spawn a skeleton archer every time you or your units deal non-dot damage. The archer will attack once dealing 20/30/40/50% of your attack damage as Magic Damage.
The effect is also triggered on attack whenever the ability is off cooldown.
- Skeletons will not block neutral spawns.
Three seconds...
When this skill procs, the Skeleton Archer will spawn 300 units away from the target from a random angle.
Skeleton Archers have a BAT of 1 second with an attack startup of 0.25 seconds.
Skeleton Archers have 1000/600 day/night vision.
All instances of non-DoT damage have a chance to proc Call of the Damned, including pets (i.e. Puzzlebox), illusions, and the Skeleton Archers themselves.
Call of the Damned won't be placed on cooldown if the attack misses.
You can create two Skeleton Archers at the same time from both the cooldown effect and proc chance.
Piercing Arrows
[ R ]
Cast Time: 0 / 0 seconds
Target Position
Enemy Units
Type - Magic
Fueled by the rage in her heart, the Forsaken Archer projects an image that fires Piercing Arrows that fly straight through her target, striking any other enemies in its path behind them before it finally dissipates.
Range: 1475 Mana Cost: 100/200/300 Cooldown: 100/80/60 seconds
Creates an image at your position that fires a Piercing Arrow that travels 1300 units at target direction every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds, dealing 85/135/185 Magic Damage per arrow.
If I must die, then you will as well!
Arrows have a touch radius of 175.
Fires a total of 8 arrows, dealing up to 680/1080/1480 Magic Damage.
Cooldown increased from 10 to 18/16/14/12 seconds.
Forsaken Archer now leaves a Skeletal Minion behind to cast the ability instead of casting it herself, allowing her to cast it without interrupting her other orders.
By drawing even more from the stolen souls she keeps trapped in her quiver, the Forsaken Archer is able to fire arrows that split into parts, striking multiple targets.
Cooldown: 1 second
Your attacks split and hit 2 additional enemies within 600 units. Split attacks deal 14/21/28/35% damage.
Feel the sting...
Can be toggled off.
Both Damage and Base Damage bonuses benefit Split Fire.
With the cursed powers bestowed on her by the Hellbourne, the Forsaken Archer is able to bring the soulless bodies of her victims back from the dead to fight by her side as skeletal warriors.
Cooldown: 1 second
Switches Call of the Damned to store Skeletons to be summoned later (when un-toggled), rather than spawning them instantly.
Toggling this ability will kill any active skeletons.
On Kill Creates a Skeleton that assist the Forsaken Archer for 20 seconds. Skeletons follow the same orders as you do, moving alongside you and attacking your attack target you are attacking. Does not attack Towers.
Skeletons deal 17/23/29/35 Physical Damage on attack and have 20 Health. Skeletons must be attacked manually. You may have up to 3/4/5/6 Skeletons up at a time.
Three seconds...
Skeletons copy Forsaken Archer's behavior, moving with Forsaken Archer, attacking only the unit she attacks, and holding their ground if Forsaken Archer is holding position.
Skeletons are considered Gadgets, therefore they will not draw aggro from NPC enemies and can only be attacked manually by other players.
Skeletons will not attack targets outside of Forsaken Archer's attack range.
Skeletons will always finish their attack animation before following Forsaken Archer, even if she cancels her own attack animation.
Skeletons will teleport with Forsaken Archer after using Homecoming Stone.
With the maximum number of Skeletons, this ability effectively add 51/92/145/210 extra Physical damage to Forsaken Archer's attacks.
Split Fire (Pre-2.0.30)
[ W ]
By drawing even more from the stolen souls she keeps trapped in her quiver, the Forsaken Archer is able to fire arrows that split into parts, striking multiple targets.
Cooldown: 1 second
Splits attack into 4 separate attacks, each dealing 35/45/55/65% damage.
Feel the sting...
Split Fire deals 35/45/55/65% damage to Forsaken Archer's target and 3 other enemy units.
Both Damage and Base Damage bonuses benefit Split Fire.
Split Fire hits a random unit within 600 radius of Forsaken Archer.
The primary target is subject to all modifiers that a regular attack would have.
Fueled by the rage in her heart, the Forsaken Archer fires Piercing Arrows that fly straight through her target, striking any other enemies in its path behind them before it finally dissipates.
Shoots a Piercing Arrow every .5 seconds that travels 1300 units at 1150 speed. Any enemy hit takes 75/150/225 Magic damage per arrow. Any enemies behind the first have the damage reduced by 10% per target hit.
While channel is active, any skeletal minions will automatically attack enemies within a 600 radius of self.
If I must die, then you will as well!
Arrows have a touch radius of 175.
Fires a total of 8 arrows, dealing up to 600/1200/1800 Magic Damage, disregarding damage reductions.