Heroes of Newerth Wiki

Basic Items[]

Icon Supplies Supplies[]

Supplies contains items which can be used a limited number of times. Once used, they will either be removed from the inventory or will need to be recharged to be able to use it again. Potions, Blight Stones, Bottle and Wards can be used by other teammates.

Mana Potion 45 Gold
Mana Potion
Use to regenerate target's Mana by 100 over 20 seconds.
Health Potion 100 Gold
Health Potion
Use to heal target 400 Health over 10 seconds.
Blight Stones 75 Gold
Blight Stones
When activated, target tree is consumed to heal self for 115 Health over 16 seconds.
Bottle 650 Gold
Restores Health and Mana over 3 seconds. Recharges at the Well and holds Runes.
Ward of Sight 100 Gold
Ward of Sight
Place to temporarily grant vision of the nearby area for 6 minutes.
Ward of Revelation 100 Gold
Ward of Revelation
Place to temporarily reveal stealth in the nearby area for 3 minutes.
Dust of Revelation 200 Gold
Dust of Revelation
On use, temporarily reveals stealthed units in a large radius.
2 charges.
Homecoming Stone 50 Gold
Homecoming Stone
Teleports you to a friendly structure.
4.5 second channel to Tier 1 Towers. 3.75 second channel to Tier 2 Towers. 3 second channel to all other buildings.
Flying Courier 250 Gold
Flying Courier
Summons a Flying Courier to bring your items to you and your team.
Veiled Rot 100 Gold
Veiled Rot
When activated, gives you a buff that makes you invisible.
Rejuvenation Potion 350 Gold
Rejuvenation Potion
Use to heal target 1200 Health and 900 Mana over 20 seconds.
Orb of Zamos 300 Gold
Orb of Zamos
Buffs you and a nearby ally with speed.
Ophelia's Pact 80 Gold
Ophelia's Pact
This item is automatically consumed upon purchase. Each player can only purchase this item once. Once purchased (no matter where, no matter how), your hero will gain a quest state that you can look at to track your progress at any time. Completed objectives will turn green and once all of them are completed you can choose one reward.
Tome of Elements 200 Gold
Tome of Elements
Activate to grant you 300 Experience, plus 60% of the difference between your Experience and your team's average Experience if your Experience is the lower value.
Golden Apple 75 Gold
Golden Apple
Passively applies a fraction of static mana regeneration when this item is on inventory and activate to consume the item and heal small amount of health instantly.
Lunar Tear 75 Gold
Lunar Tear
Passively applies a fraction of static health regeneration when this item is on inventory and activate to consume the item and restore small amount of mana instantly.

Icon Accessories Accessories[]

Accessories provides a boost to one or more Attribute stat.

Crushing Claws 150 Gold
Crushing Claws
3 Strength
Duck Boots 150 Gold
Duck Boots
3 Agility
Mark of the Novice 150 Gold
Mark of the Novice
3 Intelligence
Minor Totem 50 Gold
Minor Totem
1 Strength
1 Agility
1 Intelligence
Major Totem 540 Gold
Major Totem
4 Strength
4 Agility
4 Intelligence
Bolstering Armband 450 Gold
Bolstering Armband
6 Strength
Fleetfeet 450 Gold
6 Agility
Apprentice's Robe 450 Gold
Apprentice's Robe
6 Intelligence
Pretender's Crown 165 Gold
Pretender's Crown
2 Strength
2 Agility
2 Intelligence
Blessed Orb 2100 Gold
Blessed Orb
10 Strength
10 Agility
10 Intelligence
Mighty Blade 1000 Gold
Mighty Blade
10 Strength
Quickblade 1000 Gold
10 Agility
Neophyte's Book 1000 Gold
Neophyte's Book
10 Intelligence
Luminous Prism 1500 Gold
Luminous Prism
15 Intelligence

Icon Weapons Weapons[]

Weapons provide mostly Damage or Armor. Items that provide pure Damage values do not count towards Base Damage.

Punchdagger 500 Gold
9 Damage
Broadsword 1200 Gold
18 Damage
Warhammer 1600 Gold
24 Damage
Iron Buckler 225 Gold
Iron Buckler
60% chance to block 20 damage (10 for ranged heroes).
Guardian Ring 175 Gold
Guardian Ring
2 Armor
Ringmail 450 Gold
4 Armor
Helm of the Victim 900 Gold
Helm of the Victim
5 Armor
3 Health/s
Platemail 1400 Gold
10 Armor
Steamstaff 800 Gold
10 Damage
10 Attack Speed
Logger's Hatchet 150 Gold
Logger's Hatchet
Grants additional damage against non-heroes. Can be used to chop down trees.
Toxin Claws 270 Gold
Toxin Claws
Cheap Freeze Modifier with Damage Overtime On Attack
Halberd 1000 Gold
30% chance to gain True Strike and deal 60 Physical Damage.

Icon Relics Relics[]

Relics contain miscellaneous items that provide various stats and/or uses.

Gloves of the Swift 500 Gold
Gloves of the Swift
15 Attack Speed
Hungry Spirit 900 Gold
Hungry Spirit
Attack Modifier
10% Lifesteal
Trinket of Restoration 350 Gold
Trinket of Restoration
2 Health/s
Portal Key 2250 Gold
Portal Key
Grants the ability to teleport short distances.
Scarab 325 Gold
50% Mana Regeneration
Marchers 500 Gold
Movement Modifier
45 Movement Speed
Bound Eye 700 Gold
Bound Eye
Reveals stealth around the wielder.
Drops upon wielder's death.
Mystic Vestments 500 Gold
Mystic Vestments
Magic Armor Modifier
5 Magic Armor
Snake Bracelet 1000 Gold
Snake Bracelet
Evasion Modifier
25% Evasion
Alacrity Band 1200 Gold
Alacrity Band
30 Attack Speed
Wind Whistle 200 Gold
Wind Whistle
15 Movement Speed
Mana Battery 200 Gold
Mana Battery
Absorb power from enemy spellcasts. Discharge to gain a bit of Health and Mana.
Nihil Crystal 200 Gold
Nihil Crystal
Provides bonus health and mana regeneration upon receiving spell damage.
Blood Ruby 550 Gold
Blood Ruby
150 Max Health.
Ether Jewel 450 Gold
Ether Jewel
100 Max Mana.

Icon Legendary Legendary[]

Legendary items are expensive but powerful items. These items were once sold in a shop outside of the base called the Secret Shop, which is now replaced by the Observatory.

Axe of the Malphai 3200 Gold
Axe of the Malphai
25 Strength
Dancing Blade 3000 Gold
Dancing Blade
25 Agility
Acolyte's Staff 2600 Gold
Acolyte's Staff
25 Intelligence
Slayer 2200 Gold
40 Damage
Warpcleft 1800 Gold
45 Attack Speed
Lifetube 850 Gold
4.5 Health/s
Manatube 850 Gold
100% Mana Regeneration
Sword of the High 3400 Gold
Sword of the High
64 Damage
Beastheart 1100 Gold
215 Health
Glowstone 1200 Gold
200 Health
120 Mana
Pickled Brain 950 Gold
Pickled Brain
200 Mana
Voltstone 700 Gold
Attack Modifier
Unleash a Chain Lighting every few attacks.
Perpetual Cogwheel 1325 Gold
Perpetual Cogwheel
150% Mana Regeneration

Recipe Items[]

Icon Initiation Initiation[]

Initiation contains inexpensive recipe items. Many items here tend to be the first items to be bought in any game.

Power Supply 540 Gold
Power Supply
Allows the wielder to absorb a larger amount of Health and Mana from enemy spellcasts.
Fortified Bracer 490 Gold
Fortified Bracer
6 Strength
3 Agility
3 Intelligence
Soulscream Ring 440 Gold
Soulscream Ring
3 Strength
6 Agility
3 Intelligence
Amulet of Exile 465 Gold
Amulet of Exile
3 Strength
3 Agility
6 Intelligence
Blood Chalice 625 Gold
Blood Chalice
Use to sacrifice health to gain Mana.
Arcana 1575 Gold
6 Intelligence
50% Mana Regeneration
12 Damage
Sustainer 1700 Gold
5 Health/s
125% Mana Regeneration
Alchemist's Bones 1950 Gold
Alchemist's Bones
Cast to instantly kill and convert a creep to gold.
Firebrand 2200 Gold
Firebrand Modifier
Boosts your agility, movement speed, and attack speed.
Striders 700 Gold
Movement Modifier
50 Movement Speed. Additional non-combat speed.
Plated Greaves 1475 Gold
Plated Greaves
Movement Modifier
55 Movement Speed. Activate to grant you and your ally the Armor.
Ghost Marchers 1500 Gold
Ghost Marchers
Movement Modifier
60 Movement Speed. Use for unitwalking and more speed.
Steamboots 1450 Gold
Movement Modifier
60 Movement Speed. Grants attack speed and more stats.
Post Haste 2500 Gold
Post Haste
Movement Modifier
105 Movement Speed. Use to teleport to units and buildings.
Grave Locket 750 Gold
Grave Locket
Buffs you and a nearby ally with speed. Grants experience around your death area and when stacking a camp.
Lightbrand 2200 Gold
Spell lifesteal Modifier
Searing Modifier
Boost your intelligence and flat amount of mana regeneration.
Searing Light 4400 Gold
Searing Light
Firebrand Modifier
Spell lifesteal Modifier
Searing Modifier
Sorcery Boots 1915 Gold
Sorcery Boots
Movement Modifier
65 Movement Speed. Use to replenish 160 Mana to self and allies in radius.
Sacrificial Stone 1500 Gold
Sacrificial Stone
Allows the wielder to absorb Health and Mana from enemies spellcasts.
On kill or assist, becomes glowing to gain few attributes bonus and reduce death timer on self. The glow dissipates upon death.
Pegasus Boots 4500 Gold
Pegasus Boots
Movement Modifier
125 Movement Speed. Use to teleport to units and buildings.

Icon Supportive Supportive[]

Supportive items are designed to benefit your teammates as well as yourself. They can contain Auras or an activation used to provide extra utility.

Ring of the Teacher 550 Gold
Ring of the Teacher
Grants a weak armor and mana regeneration aura.
Refreshing Ornament 550 Gold
Refreshing Ornament
Grants a weak regeneration aura.
Soultrap 800 Gold
Charge with enemy heroes' death. Use charges to heal.
Ring of Sorcery 1415 Gold
Ring of Sorcery
When activated, replenishes mana to nearby allies.
Tablet of Command 1800 Gold
Tablet of Command
Cast on a hero to push it in the direction it's facing. Interrupts channeling.
Abyssal Skull 2050 Gold
Abyssal Skull
Grants melee allies a lifesteal aura.
Nome's Wisdom 2050 Gold
Nome's Wisdom
Magic Armor Modifier
Grants a mana regen and heal on cast aura.
Astrolabe 1750 Gold
Activate to heal nearby allies.
Puzzlebox 2550 Gold
Use to summon two minions. Melee minion reveals stealth.
Can be upgraded two times.
Stormspirit 2650 Gold
Cast to envelop the target hero in an invulnerable cyclone for short brief.
Restoration Stone 5150 Gold
Restoration Stone
Upon activation, resets the cooldown of all abilities and items.
Kuldra's Sheepstick 5425 Gold
Kuldra's Sheepstick
Cast to temporarily transfigure an enemy, disabling it with powerful magics.
Energizer 1400 Gold
Activate to grant Movement Speed and Attack Speed to nearby allies for short duration.
Lex Talionis 1200 Gold
Lex Talionis
Use to lower both yours and target's Armor and Magic Armor.
Spell Sunder 2675 Gold
Spell Sunder
Dealing magic damage causes additional damage based on target's health.
Jade Spire 1900 Gold
Jade Spire
+Cast Range on your Abilities & Items
Staff of the Master 4200 Gold
Staff of the Master
Boosts the ultimate of many heroes. Check your ultimate's tooltip for compatibility.
Master's Legacy 6500 Gold
Master's Legacy
Boosts the abilities of an ally hero.
Sand Scepter 2200 Gold
Sand Scepter
Immobilizes enemies & dispels
Dreamcatcher 2600 Gold
Charge with hero deaths. Use charges to heal or damage.
Arcane Bomb 1900 Gold
Arcane Bomb
Deals damage to non-hero units, primarily illusions and summons.

Icon Protective Protective[]

Protective items provide defensive stats, as well as passives or activations which can reduce damage or save your life.

Iron Shield 525 Gold
Iron Shield
Passively blocks small amount of hero damage taken.
Sol's Bulwark 1500 Gold
Sol's Bulwark
Grants bonus Armor to nearby Allies or reduces nearby Enemies' armor.
Shaman's Headdress 2050 Gold
Shaman's Headdress
Magic Armor Modifier
Provides decent health regeneration and Stun & Debuff Duration Reduction
Barbed Armor 2200 Gold
Barbed Armor
Activate to return damage to attackers.
Helm of the Black Legion 2175 Gold
Helm of the Black Legion
Grants Health, Health regeneration, and a high chance to block Attack Damage.
Icon of the Goddess 3250 Gold
Icon of the Goddess
Grants bonus HP regen & mana regen per enemy hero death near you.
Assassin's Shroud 3200 Gold
Assassin's Shroud
Use to grant stealth and bonus damage upon attacking out of stealth. Great for initiating and escaping.
Shrunken Head 3900 Gold
Shrunken Head
Activation Modifier Activate to temporarily grant immunity to Magic.
Void Talisman 1600 Gold
Void Talisman
Activation Modifier Activate to temporarily grant immunity to physical attacks and effects.
Ultor's Heavy Helm 3650 Gold
Ultor's Heavy Helm
Use to grant allies and structures damage block.
Null Stone 4500 Gold
Null Stone
Passively deflects single target spellcasts.
Behemoth's Heart 4800 Gold
Behemoth's Heart
Adds high Health and Strength. Adds Health regen based on your max Health.
Daemonic Breastplate 5200 Gold
Daemonic Breastplate
Grants an armor and attack speed aura to allies. Reduces armor of enemies.
Genjuro 6200 Gold
Use to grant stealth. Attacking out of stealth grants bonus damage and slows attacked Enemy's movement.
Wingbow 5900 Gold
Evasion Modifier
Grants high damage, agility, attack speed, and evasion.
Shield of the Five 800 Gold
Shield of the Five
Activate to grant nearby allies bonus armor.
Barrier Idol 3650 Gold
Barrier Idol
Magic Armor Modifier
Cast to shield allies in a magic-absorbing barrier.
Frostfield Plate 4600 Gold
Frostfield Plate
Grants an aura that reduces enemy attack speed. Activate to freeze nearby enemies.
Armor of the Mad Mage 3400 Gold
Armor of the Mad Mage
Grants an aura that reduces enemy magic armor. Activate to grant additional armor to self.
Adeve's Cloak 2300 Gold
Adeve's Cloak
Grants damage taken reduction, stun & debuff reduction, and bonus regeneration upon taking certain damage at the cost of reduced damage dealt.
Can be upgraded once.

Icon Combative Combative[]

Combative items provide a boost to your offense. They come with offensive stats and effects which greatly increase your damage output.

Spellshards 2000 Gold
Grants Magic Armor piercing to spells and items.
Riftshards 3325 Gold
Grants a chance to deal critical strike on attack.
Can be upgraded 3 times.
Codex 2540 Gold
Cast to deal massive Magic Damage to a target.
Can be upgraded 4 times.
Insanitarius 2700 Gold
Activate to greatly increase Strength and damage while draining your own Health.
Brutalizer 3400 Gold
Bash Modifier
Grants a chance to stun your target on attack.
Spiked Bola 3600 Gold
Spiked Bola
Cast to Disarm an enemy.
Runed Cleaver 4000 Gold
Runed Cleaver
Melee heroes gain splash damage on attack. Ranged heroes do not benefit.
Geometer's Bane 5000 Gold
Geometer's Bane
Firebrand Modifier
Activate to dispel and create two illusions on yourself.
Hellflower 4725 Gold
Cast to silence and perplex an enemy.
Mock of Brilliance 4750 Gold
Mock of Brilliance
Grants an aura that deals magic damage over time to nearby enemies.
Savage Mace 4300 Gold
Savage Mace
Grants a chance to mini-stun on attack. Contains True Strike.
Bloodborne Maul 5000 Gold
Bloodborne Maul
Gain Bonus Damage upon taking damage.
Doom Bringer 5600 Gold
Doom Bringer
Collects damage from hero kills.
Drops upon wielder's death. Cannot be destroyed.
Grimoire of Power 5200 Gold
Grimoire of Power
Lightbrand Modifier
Passively reduces ability's cooldown. Use to boost spell damage.
Madfred's Brass Knuckles 1200 Gold
Madfred's Brass Knuckles
Collects damage for hero kills and assists.
Corrupted Sword 4000 Gold
Corrupted Sword
Can be consumed to permanently gain damage.
Hypercrown 5800 Gold
Lightning Modifier
Unleashes a Chain Lightning every few attacks. Use to provide lightning shield on an ally
Twin Blades 3275 Gold
Twin Blades
Grants a secondary attack.
Faux Bow 1900 Gold
Faux Bow
Use to give Ranged bearer an infinite attack range for several attacks.

Icon Morph Attack Morph Attack[]

Morph Attack contains items that add new properties and effects to your autoattacks.

Whispering Helm 1850 Gold
Whispering Helm
Lifesteal Modifier
Grants lifesteal and the ability to mind control enemy units.
Icebrand 2200 Gold
Freeze Modifier
Grants a slowing attack.
Shieldbreaker 2600 Gold
Reduces enemy armor on attack.
Can be upgraded two times.
Frostburn 4400 Gold
Freeze, Firebrand Modifier
Grants a powerful slowing attack and blazing fast speed.
Frostwolf's Skull 5100 Gold
Frostwolf's Skull
Attack Modifier
Your attacks and single-target spells greatly slow enemies.
Harkon's Blade 4775 Gold
Harkon's Blade
When active, transforms your attacks into Magic Damage.
Symbol of Rage 6000 Gold
Symbol of Rage
Lifesteal Modifier
Use to temporarily grant massive lifesteal.
Frozen Light 4400 Gold
Frozen Light
Freeze Modifier
Slows on attack, which enhances your next spell.
Dawnbringer 6600 Gold
Freeze, Firebrand Modifier
Slows on attack, which enhances your next spell.
Elder Parasite 2200 Gold
Elder Parasite
Lifesteal Modifier
Activate to gain a massive attack speed, movement speed and lifesteal.
Nullfire Blade 3300 Gold
Nullfire Blade
Mana Combustion Modifier
Burns enemy mana and dispels.
Thunderclaw 3000 Gold
Lightning Modifier
Unleashes a Chain Lightning every few attacks.

Other Shops[]

Icon Outpost Outpost[]

Outposts sell a variety of basic items outside of the base. There are two Outposts in Forests of Caldavar, one in the northwest and one on the southeast.

Homecoming Stone 50 Gold
Homecoming Stone
Teleports you to a friendly structure.
4.5 second channel to Tier 1 Towers. 3.75 second channel to Tier 2 Towers. 3 second channel to all other buildings.
Duck Boots 150 Gold
Duck Boots
3 Agility
Logger's Hatchet 150 Gold
Logger's Hatchet
Grants bonus damage against creeps. Can be thrown at creeps and trees..
Iron Buckler 225 Gold
Iron Buckler
60% chance to block 20 damage (10 for ranged heroes).
Scarab 325 Gold
50% Mana Regeneration
Trinket of Restoration 350 Gold
Trinket of Restoration
2 Health/s
Mystic Vestments 500 Gold
Mystic Vestments
Magic Armor Modifier
5 Magic Armor
Punchdagger 500 Gold
9 Damage
Marchers 500 Gold
Movement Modifier
45 Movement Speed
Gloves of the Swift 500 Gold
Gloves of the Swift
15 Attack Speed
Apprentice's Robe 450 Gold
Apprentice's Robe
6 Intelligence
Steamstaff 800 Gold
10 Damage
10 Attack Speed
Lifetube 850 Gold
4.5 Health/s
Hungry Spirit 900 Gold
Hungry Spirit
Attack Modifier
10% Lifesteal
Helm of the Victim 900 Gold
Helm of the Victim
5 Armor
3 Health/s
Portal Key 2250 Gold
Portal Key
Grants the ability to teleport short distances.
Wind Whistle 200 Gold
Wind Whistle
20 Movement Speed
Bolstering Armband 450 Gold
Bolstering Armband
6 Strength
Fleetfeet 450 Gold
6 Agility
Mana Battery 200 Gold
Mana Battery
Absorb power from enemy spellcasts. Discharge to gain a bit of Health and Mana.


Observatories reside outside of the base and sell a small selection of consumables. There are 2 Observatories in Forests of Caldavar, located close to the Ancient camps on both sides.

Ward of Sight 100 Gold
Ward of Sight
Place to temporarily grant vision of the nearby area for 6 minutes.
Health Potion 100 Gold
Health Potion
Use to heal target 400 Health over 10 seconds.
Mana Potion 45 Gold
Mana Potion
Use to regenerate target's Mana by 100 over 20 seconds.
Dust of Revelation 200 Gold
Dust of Revelation
On use, temporarily reveals stealthed units in a large radius.
2 charges.
Veiled Rot 100 Gold
Veiled Rot
When activated, gives you a buff that makes you invisible.
Rejuvenation Potion 350 Gold
Rejuvenation Potion
Use to heal target 1200 Health and 900 Mana over 20 seconds.

Boss Drops[]

These items cannot be bought from the Shop and are only dropped by Boss units.

Token of Life N/A Gold
Token of Life
Revive upon death.
(Dropped by Kongor.)
Bananas N/A Gold
On use, restores 2500 Health and 1000 Mana.
(Dropped by Kongor after his 3rd death.)
Token of Vision N/A Gold
Token of Vision
Grants 900 Clear Vision. Destroys upon wielder death.
(Dropped by Transmutanstein.)

Obsolete Items[]

These items once existed in HoN at some point but were either removed or replaced the game. Spyglass is exception because its sole purpose is to be a debug item.

Ground Courier 100 Gold
Ground Courier
Summons a Ground Courier to bring your items to you and your team.
Winged Courier (Recipe) N/A Gold
Winged Courier
Bastard Sword 1400 Gold
Bastard Sword
21 Damage
Halberd 1000 Gold
21 Damage. 15% chance to deal 40 Bonus Damage.
Fenrir's Fang 3480 Gold
Fenrir's Fang
The earliest version of Frostwolf's Skull.
Token of Stealth N/A Gold
Token of Stealth
On use, cloaks the user and nearby allied heroes.
Charged Hammer 4900 Gold
Charged Hammer
Lightning Modifier
Unleashes a Chain Lightning every few attacks. Cast for Lightning Shield.
Merrick's Bounty 200 Gold
Merrick's Bounty
Generates extra gold when not killing creeps
Spyglass N/A Gold
Given to all players at the start of the game to create harmless confetti.
Branded Sabre 2000 Gold
Branded Sabre
35 Damage
Flayer 6050 Gold
The earliest version of Riftshards' upgrade
Arclight Crown 5200 Gold
Arclight Crown
Lightning Modifier
Shoot Lightning every few hits.