Heroes of Newerth Wiki


Creeps (or Lane Creeps) are weak units aligned to either Legion or Hellbourne. These creeps will advance along their lane, attacking any enemy or building that stands in their way, all the way up to the enemy's main base structure. There are three types of creeps: Melee creeps, Ranged creeps, and Siege creeps.

Melee creeps come in packs and have more health but deal less damage than Ranged creeps. Ranged creeps have less health but deal more damage, particularly against other creeps. Siege creeps spawn occasionally and while they have a low attack speed, they deal extra damage to Towers and Buildings, posing a threat to structures. They also take less damage from heroes and are Magic Immune as well, making them extra durable.


Once the clock hits 0:00 and every 30 seconds afterwards, a wave of creeps will emerge from each lane. The wave starts with 3 Melee creeps and 1 Ranged creep. Siege creeps spawn at 3:00 and then every +2:30 after that.

Creeps become stronger as the time passes. Every 7 minutes, Melee and Ranged creeps gain a small boost to their attack damage and health. This bonus maxes out at 30 charges, or at 3:30:00, or when they are transformed into Mega Creeps by destroying all of the enemy's Barracks.

At 17:00, 44:00, and 50:00, an extra Melee creep is added to each wave, and at 33:00, an extra Ranged and Siege creep are added.

When an enemy's Barracks is destroyed, the corresponding Creep of that type will turn into Super Creeps. Super Creeps are significantly more powerful than normal creeps and have a smaller bounty as well.



Melee Creep
Soldier Imp
Combat Type Melee Lane
Health 550 (+10) / 700 (+19)
Health Regen 0.5
Damage 21 (+1) / 40 (+2)
Armor 2/3
Magic Armor 0
Movement Speed 325
Sight Range 1400/800
Attack Range 90 (Melee)
Missile Speed Instant
Base Attack Time 1.0
Attack Animation 0.6/0.4
Turn Rate 320
Gold 40-50/15-25 Gold
Experience 62/41
Ranged Creep
Archer Warlock Unit
Combat Type Ranged Lane
Health 300 (+10) / 475 (+18)
Health Regen 2
Mana 300
Mana Regen 0.75
Damage 24 (+2) / 44 (+3)
Armor 0/1
Magic Armor 0
Movement Speed 325
Sight Range 1400/800
Attack Range 500 (Ranged)
Missile Speed 900
Base Attack Time 1.0
Attack Animation 0.6/0.4
Turn Rate 320
Gold 40-50/15-25 Gold
Experience 41/25
Siege Creep
Heavy Ballista Hell Cannon
Combat Type Siege
Health 550
Health Regen 0
Damage 41
Armor 0
Magic Armor 0
Movement Speed 325
Sight Range 1400/900
Attack Range 690 (Ranged)
Missile Speed 900
Base Attack Time 2.7
Attack Animation 0.15/0.85
Turn Rate 200
Gold 60-80 Gold
Experience 88


Neutrals reside on the forests (or jungle) in the map. As their name suggests, they are not aligned to any team. Neutrals serve as a alternative source of farm, and a select group of heroes are able to start off killing Neutrals instead of going to a lane.

Neutral camps are arranged by 4 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Ancients. In Forests of Caldavar, each side of the map contains 1 Easy camp, 2 Medium camps, 2 Hard camps, and 1 Ancients. Ancients are more unique from the other camps in that not only are they much stronger than other Neutrals, they spawn in an area outside of the main jungle, have high Magic Armor and are immune to conversion and Transmute-type abilities.

The Boss unit is a particularly powerful Neutral that takes immense power and teamwork to take down. Kongor resides in Forests of Caldavar and Zorgath and Transmutanstein are located in Mid Wars. Taking down a Boss provides a gold reward to the entire team (plus its regular bounty to the killer) and will drop a powerful item on death. Like Ancients, they are immune to conversion and Transmute and are also immune to certain abilities.


Neutrals begin spawning at 0:30, then at 1:00 and every minute after that. They spawn in sets of specific number and kinds of Neutrals, based on the difficulty of the camp. If a camp is occupied by Neutral, other units, certain Gadgets, and corpses, Neutrals will not respawn at the designated time. Players can see this area while placing a Ward of Sight or Ward of Revelation.

When a Neutral is attacked or approached during the daytime, they will attack the unit that triggered their aggro. When a group of Neutrals is not within their camp area during the Neutral respawn time, a new group of Neutrals will spawn there. This technique is known as Stacking, and is essential in maximizing the amount of farm from a given camp. Neutrals can be stacked up to two times, or three groups of Neutrals in one area, with the exception of Easy camps. Neutrals will be forced to return to their camp when led outside of their camp for 5 seconds, meaning the best time to stack a camp is at x:55.

Easy Camp[]

Camp Creeps Gold Experience Total Health
Antling Antling Antlore Healer Antling x 2
Antlore Healer
60-66 140 1400
Earthoc Earthoc Sporespitter Earthoc x 2
61-70 140 1350
Snotter Snotter Snotter Snotter Snotter Snotter x 4
Large Snotter
61-72 140 1480
Vagabond Assassin Vagabond Vagabond Vagabond Assassin
Vagabond x 2
67-74 140 1450
Werebeast Werebeast Werebeast Enchanter Werebeast x 2
Werebeast Enchanter
63-70 140 1450

Medium Camp[]

Camp Creeps Gold Experience Total Health
Antling Antlore Healer Antlore Necromancer Antlore Necromancer * Antling
Antlore Healer
Antlore Necromancer x2
88-98 155 2100
Ebula Ebula Pustula Ebula x 2
86-96 170 1800
Fire Ogre Ice Ogre Alchemist Ogre Fire Ogre
Ice Ogre
Alchemist Ogre
86-98 170 1850
Wild Hunter Wild Hunter Wild Hunter x 2 88-94 170 1700
Wolf Wolf Wolf Commander Wolf x 2
Wolf Commander
88-98 170 1700

* Does not appear in the pull camp (Medium camp closest to the lane)

Hard Camp[]

Camp Creeps Gold Experience Total Health
Catman Soldier Catman Champion Catman Soldier
Catman Champion
115-125 205 2100
Goatar Goatar Minotaur Goatar x 2
109-120 210 2300
Screacher Screacher Vulture Lord Screacher x 2
Vulture Lord
109-118 205 2200
Undead Warrior Undead Warrior Skeleton King Undead Warrior x 2
Skeleton King
108-117 205 2200
Vagabond Assassin Vagabond Vagabond Leader Vagabond Assassin
Vagabond Leader
110-120 205 2100


Camp Creeps Gold Experience Total Health
Dragon Dragon Dragon Master Dragon x 2
Dragon Master
200-235 340 3600
Dreadbeetle Dreadbeetle Dreadbeetle Queen Dreadbeetle x 2
Dreadbeetle Queen
200-235 340 3600
Predasaur Predasaur Crusher Predasaur Crusher Predasaur
Predasaur Crusher x 2
200-240 340 3500


Map Boss Gold Team Bounty Experience Reward Notes
Forests of Caldavar Kongor Kongor
Hell Kongor Hell Kongor
350 200 1789 Token of Life Token of Life
Bananas Bananas (From 3rd death onward)
Mid Wars Zorgath Zorgath 200 150 715 Power Rune
Transmutanstein Transmutanstein 200 200 1073 Token of Vision Token of Vision x 2
Snotter Snotter Boss 350 200 1789 Power Rune
Token of Vision Token of Vision x 2
Doom Bringer Doom Bringer
HoNiversary Boss
Reckless Horseman Reckless Horseman Halloween Boss
Frostbite Frostbite Christmas Boss
Songkranstein Songkranstein 1800 Haste Rune
Double Damage Rune
Invisibility Rune
Doom Bringer Doom Bringer
Songkran Boss
Fluffylumps Fluffylumps 200 100 1000 Dragon Wars Boss
Grimm's Crossing General Atrox General Atrox 275 275 1200 Bananas Bananas
50% Armor Reduction to enemy buildings for 3 minutes


Pets refer to any unit that can be summoned by a hero. Many of them are fully controllable like the Heroes that summoned them, and their strength and utility varies greatly between each other. A few heroes possess abilities that summon pets, and any hero can have two pets of their own by using a Puzzlebox Puzzlebox.

Neutral units and lane creeps can be made controllable by Dominating them with a Whispering Helm Whispering Helm or Ophelia Ophelia's Ophelia Command Command (and by extension, Parasite Parasite's Parasite Infest Infest), but Dominated Neutrals are not considered summoned units, and are thus not truly Pets.

Standard Pets[]

Pet Owner Lifetime Attack Range Health Armor Damage Abilities Notes
Flying Courier Courier Flying Courier Flying Courier Indefinite N/A 6 Hits 0 N/A Courier Speed Boost Speed Boost
Courier Courier Shield Courier Shield
Courier Delivery Delivery
Courier Homeward Bound Homeward Bound
Can carry items
Limit 1 per player
Balphagore Corpse Conversion Minion Balphagore Balphagore 35 seconds 100 (Melee) 250/325/400/475 0 17-18/27-30/34-40/43-49 Minion Crippling Strike Crippling Strike Cannot attack Buildings unless the owner is within 925 units of it
Volatile Minion Volatile Minion 8 seconds 100 (Melee) 300/450/600 0 25-30/45-50/85-90 Non-controllable
Explodes for 200/275/350 Magic Damage on death
Can be damaged by allies and enemies
Cannot be Parasite Infest Infested
Undead Undead (Summoned) Deadlift Deadlift 20/30/40/50 seconds 90 (Melee) 300 2 30 Partially controllable
Undead Undead (Revived) 20/30/40/50 seconds Varies Varies Varies Varies Partially controllable
Deals 50/75/100/125% damage and takes 200% damage
Unstable Zombie Unstable Zombie Gravekeeper Gravekeeper 5 seconds 100 (Melee) 350/500/650 5.5 N/A Explodes for 55/70/85 Magic Damage on attack or death
Wretched Zombie Wretched Zombie 8 seconds 100 (Melee) 350/500/650 5.5 30/35/40 Ignores Deflection
Hellbringer Summon Malphas Malphas Hellbringer Hellbringer 60 seconds 128 (Melee) 900/1350/1800 5/10/15 50/75/100 Malphas Immolate Immolate
Malphas Burning Sword Burning Sword
Malphas Fire Bomb Fire Bomb
Keeper of the Forest Animate Forest Animated Tree Keeper of the Forest Keeper of the Forest 45 seconds 90 (Melee) 400 2 25
Puzzlebox Mauler Puzzlebox Mauler Puzzlebox Puzzlebox 35 seconds 100 (Melee) 400/600/800 6/8/10 25/50/75 Magebane Mana Combustion Manaburn
Puzzlebox Mauler Last Stand Last Stand
Puzzlebox Mauler Revealing Eye Revealing Eye
Cannot attack Buildings unless the owner is within 925 units of it
Puzzlebox Wizard Puzzlebox Wizard 35 seconds 350/450/550 (Ranged) 400/600/800 6/8/10 40/65/90 Puzzlebox Wizard Mana Burn Mana Burn
Large Snotter Haste Aura Haste Aura
Cannot attack Buildings unless the owner is within 925 units of it
Tempest Elemental Elemental Tempest Tempest 45 seconds 450 (Ranged) 200/225/250/275 2/3/4/5 18/24/30/36 Tempest Elemental Replicate Cannot attack Buildings unless the owner is within 925 units of it
Shiver Shiver Tundra Tundra 60 seconds N/A 100/100/200/200 0/0/5/5 N/A Shiver Winter's Guise Winter's Guise
Tundra Patrol Patrol
Splash Immunity
Coeurl Coeurl 45 seconds 550 (Ranged) 400/450/500 0 26/26/46 Coeurl Winter's Bite Winter's Bite
Tundra Patrol Patrol
Summoned at Level 2 Tundra Call of Winter Call of Winter
War Beast Summon Hellhounds Hellhound War Beast War Beast Indefinite 100 (Melee) 400 2 25/35/45/55 Wildsoul Wild Critical Bite
Hellhound Invisibility Invisibility (Level 4)
Cannot attack Buildings unless the owner is within 925 units of it


"Heropets" are a special type of pets that interact differently to certain effects.

Heropets do not take damage or are killed by Nullfire Blade Nullfire Blade's active, Electrician Electrician's Electrician Cleansing Shock Cleansing Shock, and Vagabond Assassin Vagabond Assassin's Magebane Master of the Mantra The Assassin's Touch. They also cannot be Parasite Infest Infested by Parasite Parasite.

Pet Owner Lifetime Attack Range Health Armor Damage Abilities Notes
Gemini Fire and Ice Fire Gemini Gemini Indefinite 128 (Melee) Varies Varies Varies Gemini Fire Breath Fire Breath
Gemini Fire Fang Fire Fang
Gemini Together in Spirit Together in Spirit
Gemini Together in Bright Spirit (Fire) Together in Bright Spirit (SotM)
Gemini Rebirth Rebirth
Inherits 80/90/100% of of Gemini's attributes
Inherits 60% of Gemini Elemental Force Elemental Force values
Dies when either Fire, Ice, or Light dies
Gemini Fire and Ice Ice Gemini Ice Breath Ice Breath
Gemini Ice Fang Ice Fang
Gemini Together in Spirit Together in Spirit
Gemini Together in Bright Spirit (Ice) Together in Bright Spirit (SotM)
Gemini Rebirth Rebirth
Gemini Rebirth-Lightning Form Light Gemini Light Breath Light Breath
Gemini Light Fang Light Fang
Gemini Together in Fiery Spirit Together in Fiery Spirit
Gemini Together in Icy Spirit Together in Icy Spirit
Gemini Rebirth-Lightning Form Rebirth/Lightning Form
Requires SotM
Inherits 80/90/100% of of Gemini's attributes
Inherits 60% of Gemini Elemental Force Elemental Force values
Dies when either Fire or Ice dies
Puppet Master Voodoo Puppet Voodoo Puppet Puppet Master Puppet Master Indefinite N/A 500/750/1000 0 N/A Non-controllable, immobile
Deals 140/160/180% of damage taken as Magic Damage to linked target
Destroyed when linked target moves more than 1500 units away
Vorax Vorax Skrap Skrap 180 seconds 128 (Melee) 2000/3500/5000 10 120/150/180 Vorax Rock Smash Rock Smash Non-controllable
Kills lane creeps in one hit
Disarms Towers on attack
Tremble Hive Mind Boris Tremble Tremble Indefinite 128 (Melee) 800/1100/1400 5.5 60/90/120 Boris Ensnare Ensnare
Tremble Terrorform Terrorform
Tremble Impalers Impalers
Boris Razor Carapace Razor Carapace
Dies on owner's death
Wildsoul Summon Booboo Booboo Wildsoul Wildsoul Indefinite 128 (Melee) 1400/1600/1800/2000 5 35-40 Booboo Return Return (Level 1)
Booboo Magic Resist Alpha Male (Level 1)
Booboo Frenzy Frenzy (Level 2)
Booboo Swipe Swipe (Level 3)
Can hold Items
Cannot deal damage if owner is not within 1050 units
Cannot be summoned for 30 seconds if killed


Gadgets are different from standard units in that many of them are partially or fully uncontrollable by the player, but can still be interacted with. While similar to Pets, Gadgets have their own specific type of immunity. Gadgets are immune to Magic and Splash Damage and are unaffected by abilities, status effects, and auras. Any unit that possesses this (referred to "Gadget Immunity" within the game files) is a Gadget.

Some Gadgets behave like units, except they cannot be controlled by the player directly. Examples include Arachna's Spiderling, Emerald Warden's Emerald Warden Summon Gawain Gawain, or Forsaken Archer's Skeletons. However, not all uncontrollable units are Gadgets, such as Gravekeeper's Zombies.

Units that can be controlled but are immobile (on top of possessing the above-mentioned "Gadget Immunity") fall under the Gadget category, such as Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards. Ward-type units such as Wards of Sight are Gadgets are well.

There are many invisible gadgets in the game that are used for programming certain aspects of abilities, such as giving vision or marking certain areas, but since they cannot be interacted with or viewed by the player in any way, they are not considered a Unit.

Can autoattack[]

Gadget Owner Controllable Duration Health Damage BAT Movement Speed Notes
Arachna Spider Sting Spiderling Arachna Arachna No 5 Attacks or 15 seconds 4 Hits 75/150/225 1.0 522 Applies a -40/-60/-80 Attack Speed and 40/60/80% Movement Slow debuff for 1.5 seconds on attack
Target is Sighted and Revealed while the Spiderling is alive
Bramble Entangling Vine Wall Vine Wall Bramble Bramble Yes 6/8/10 seconds 30 10/20/30 1.0 N/A Applies a 30/40/50% Movement Slow and Restrain for 1.5 seconds on attack
Draconis Cataclysm Volcano Draconis Draconis No 30 seconds 300/500/700 110/160/210 2 N/A Applies a debuff to enemies within 900 units; affected units take 10/20/30% increased damage from DoT effects; debuff refreshes while unit is affected by a DoT
Takes 60% damage from non-hero units; cannot be damaged for more than 1/6 Max Health per hit
Pollywog Priest Voodoo Wards Voodoo Wards Pollywog Priest Pollywog Priest Yes 45 seconds 135/150/150 40/55/70 1.5 N/A
Slither Toxin Ward Toxin Ward Slither Slither Yes 40 seconds 60/110/160/210 10/19/28/37 1.5 N/A Applies a -25 Movement Speed debuff for 5 seconds on attack
Voodoo Jester Spirit Ward Spirit Ward Voodoo Jester Voodoo Jester Yes 8 seconds (Channeling) Invulnerable 60/90/120 0.3 N/A Attacks bounce 0/0/1 (0/1/2) time(s)
Destroyed when Voodoo Jester stops channeling

Can be attacked[]

Gadget Owner Duration Health Sight Range Function
Artesia Essence Projection Essence Projection Artesia Artesia 20 seconds 3/4/5 Hits 1600/1600 Grants +20/30/40 Mana or Health Regen to nearby allies (In Attack Mode and Healing Mode respectively)
Copies Artesia's Artesia Arcane Missile Arcane Missile casts and Artesia Arcane Bolts Arcane Bolts charges
Bombardier Sticky Bomb Sticky Bomb Bombardier Bombardier 8 seconds 2 Hits 500/500 Can be detonated to deal 75/150/225/300 Magic Damage; Increases damage by 10% and stun duration by 0.5 seconds per 2 seconds primed
Spawns as a gadget if Sticky Bomb did not attach to a unit
Bramble Rejuvenating Growth Rejuvenating Growth Bramble Bramble Indefinite 2 Hits 500/500 (Clearvision) Can be used to channel and heal 25/40/55/70 Health per second; expires after 20 total seconds of channeling
Deadlift Resurrection Gravestone Deadlift Deadlift Indefinite 3 Hits 0/0 Spawns when an ally hero dies
Can cast Deadlift Resurrection Resurrection on it to revive an allied hero
Emerald Warden Overgrowth Overgrowth Emerald Warden Emerald Warden Indefinite 1 or 2 Hits 400/400 When triggered, Immobilizes and deals 80 Magic Damage per second to nearby enemies for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds; removed when Overgrowth is destroyed
Engineer Steam Turret Steam Turret Engineer Engineer 5 seconds 3 Hits 1000/1000 Fires 10 shots per second in a cone; Each shots deals 10/20/30/40 Magic Damage, pushes back, and applies a stacking 3.5% Movement Slow for 3 seconds (10% less effectiveness per consecutive hit)
Engineer Spider Mines Spider Mine Indefinite 1 Hit 400/400 When triggered, chases the enemy unit and explodes for 175/250/325/400 Magic Damage on impact
Engineer Energy Field Energy Field 6/8/10 seconds 4 Hits 600/600 Creates an Energy Field while alive; Deals 50/75/100 Magic Damage per second within radius; Deals 100 True Damage, Silences, Perplexes, and dispels buffs to enemies that touch the field
Keeper of the Forest Nature's Sentinel Nature's Sentinel Keeper of the Forest Keeper of the Forest Indefinite 600 600/600 Spawns with 1/2/3/4 invulnerable, non-controllable limbs
Pharaoh Wall of Mummies Mummy Wall Pharaoh Pharaoh 3/4/5/6 seconds 1 or 3 Hits 0/0 Blocks movement
Pushes away enemies in front of it, dealing 65/90/115/140 True Damage and draining 65/90/115/140 Mana
Prisoner 945 Shackled Ball and Chain Prisoner 945 Prisoner 945 3/5/7/9 seconds 2 Hits 200/200 Applies a 20/25/30/35% Movement Slow, deals 20 Physical Damage per second, and Restrains the attached unit
Scout Electric Eye Electric Eye Scout Scout Indefinite 1 800/800 Permanently Stealthed
Revealed when an enemy unit is within 200 units
Reveals enemies and wards in a 800 radius
Can be detonated to Silence enemies for 3/4/5/6 seconds
Tremble Terrorform Terror Mound Tremble Tremble Indefinite 4/4/5/6 Hits 400/400 Provides Tremble & Boris +15/20/25/30 Movement Speed, +2/4/6/8 Health Regen and Stealth within radius
Can be used to Tremble Terror Port Terror Port between Mounds
Vindicator Glyph of Silence Inscribed Glyph of Silence Vindicator Vindicator 5 seconds 2 Hits 100/100 Silences enemies within 300 radius for 1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5 seconds (once per cast instance)
Applies a 30/34/38/42% Movement Slow over 1000 radius, tapering over distance
Ward of Sight Ward of Sight User 360 seconds 4 Hits 1600/1600 Permanently Stealthed
Ward of Revelation Ward of Revelation User 180 seconds 4 Hits 200/200 Permanently Stealthed
Reveals enemies and wards in a 800 radius


Gadget Owner Function
Flying Courier Courier User Delivers items from the Stash to the player
Defiler Unholy Expulsion Spirits Defiler Defiler Deals 46 Physical Damage to enemies or towers on attack
Forsaken Archer Call of the Damned Skeleton Archer Forsaken Archer Forsaken Archer Attacks an enemy for 10/20/30/40% of owner's Attack Damage then expires
Emerald Warden Summon Gawain Gawain Emerald Warden Emerald Warden Casts Gawain Diving Strike Diving Strike at Level 1, Gawain Forest's Touch Forest's Touch at Level 2, and Gawain Emerald Storm Emerald Storm at Level 3
Grinex Illusory Assault Shadow Grinex Grinex Chases and attacks an enemy hero for 4/5/6 seconds; Deals 40/60/80 Physical Damage per attack
Forsaken Archer Piercing Arrows Image Forsaken Archer Forsaken Archer Fires Piercing Arrows every 0.5 seconds; Lasts 4 seconds
Hellbringer Evil Presence Evil Presence Hellbringer Hellbringer While alive, owner heals for 5/10/15/20% of damage dealt
Can be commanded to charge at an enemy explode, applying a 25% Movement Slow & -1/-2/-3/-4 Magic Armor debuff to enemies around it for 5 seconds
Keeper of the Forest Nature's Sentinel Nature's Sentinel (Limb) Keeper of the Forest Keeper of the Forest Deals 10 + 10% of owner's Attack Damage as Physical Damage on attack (200 Attack Range, Hero Combat Type)
Klanx Lackey Lackey Klanx Klanx Fires a missile towards the owner's attack target that deals 15/30/45/60 Magic Damage
Klanx Goon Squad 1st Minion Deals 15 Magic Damage to owner's attack target and applies a 25% Movement Slow for 2 seconds
Klanx Goon Squad 2nd Minion Deals 30 Magic Damage to owner's attack target, chaining 5 times
Klanx Goon Squad 3rd Minion Deals 30% of owner's Base Damage as Magic Damage to owner's attack target
Parallax Fulcrum Shift Fulcrum Parallax Parallax Interacts with Parallax's abilities
Skrap Mousetrap Mousetrap Skrap Skrap When triggered, chases the enemy unit and explodes for 80/100/120/140 Magic Damage and 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second stun on impact
Skrap Zoomerang Zoomerang Can be caught mid-flight to reduce Zoomerang's cooldown by 8 seconds or from the ground to reduce cooldown by 4 seconds
Zephyr Cyclones Cyclones Zephyr Zephyr Deals 6/9/12/15 Magic Damage per second in a 300 radius

See Also[]
